5 tips on raising Open-minded children

5 Tips on Raising Open-Minded Children!

Newsletter Oct 14, 2022

‘While growing up, we just about had television, internet came much later!’

How often have you told your children stories about your childhood that did not involve internet, touchscreen or even cellular networks?? Well, that’s how much the world has changed in the last decade or two. Whether it is on-demand taxi services, google maps or instant communication over Face Time or WhatsApp anywhere across the globe; we are all much closer to each other than we ever were.

Read More: Memorizing in the time of Google!

Today, people from all walks of life interact with each other instantly and on a daily basis. The world has truly become a global village. With this level of access, it is imperative to have an open mind. Being open-minded means welcoming new ideas and information that you may not know about or understand or align with immediately.

So, why is it important for kids to be open-minded? Children who are close-minded tend to get into arguments more often while trying to make others see things from their point of view. On the hand, open-mindedness enables kids to think critically and rationally. Open-minded children are also able to step out of their comfort zones and display more tolerance towards others.

Children who are open-minded are also curious to learn new things and show more acceptance to rethink assumptions and identify misleading information. This ability to challenge outdated beliefs is a vital part of learning and personal growth.

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Being open-minded can take some time, patience and practice. Children in their innocence very often see things only one way – their way! Open-mindedness has to be actively cultivated in children. Parents are the earliest teachers who children learn from. More often than learning what they are taught, children learn what they see. But sometimes, it is not enough to just be role models.

Here are some ways to inculcate open-mindedness in children.

Acknowledge the Curiosity

At a family gathering, your child may have a hundred questions to ask you. Why is the oldest uncle in a wheelchair? Why does the person look the way he does or speak in particular fashion? These questions although they sound impolite or rude, are being shot at you out of curiosity. Curiosity helps children be more observant and to figure out things. When children explore, they expand their vocabulary as they use language to describe what they’re thinking, seeing, or hearing. Grab these teachable moments and turn them into learning experiences.

Foster logic & reasoning

Open-mindedness goes hand-in-hand with logical thinking. Don’t let your child blindly believe everything they hear from their teachers or their friends. Children should be encouraged to be independent thinkers and should be able to analyze facts and form their own opinions. Allow them the space and security to ask difficult questions; even if they are around traditions, festivals and the relevance of certain rituals. Encourage them to research, find answers and develop their own world view.

Exposure to difference cultures

Help your child understand that not all Russians are villains and not all Chinese are good at math. Encourage your child to learn about different cultures around the world. Board games, quizzing and puzzles about countries, culture, food habits, brands & logos etc. are great ways to introduce children to different cultures. Encourage them to have friends of different backgrounds and ethnicities and respect each child for who they are.

Encourage critical thinking

Encourage children to patiently look for solutions, comprehend a situation and react accordingly. Completing puzzles or solving problems enhances critical thinking in children. Children with good critical thinking are able to make independent judgments. For your child to become a successful, open-minded adult, she needs to be able to explore, take chances, learn how to analyze her mistakes, and get over failure.

Stimulate debates

A safe atmosphere that allows for open conversations will help create open-minded children. Stimulate debates with children on simple topics like should they be doing their homework on Friday or should they be allowed to stay up late on weekends. Healthy debates give children an opportunity to think outside the box and come up with creative ideas. Debates are also a great way to resolve conflicts with an open mind.

Being open-minded can be difficult and even confusing for children as well as parents. Sometimes processing new information requires rethinking the things you thought you knew. With patience and a little effort children can be taught to open their minds to new ideas and a whole world of opportunities!

“To see an opportunity, we must be open to all thoughts”
– Catherine Pulsifer



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