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BrainGymJr - Daily Brain Exercises for Children

Pack of 6 Self Help Book

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Pack of 6 books - How to Self Confidence, Stop Worrying, Win Friends, Subconscious Mind, Think & Grow and The Art of War. Deliver in 6-8 Days

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-	Book 1: Highly recommended read for those seeking to improve their public speaking and leadership skills.
-	Book 2: Help analyse your worries and find the most efficient ways in which you can stop worrying and sail towards a fulfilling, happy and Worry-free life.
-	Book 3: For achieving goals and aspirations in a highly competitive corporate field as well as living a better life in our complex modern world
-	Book 4: Unlock the power of the subconscious mind through positive thinking. 
-	Book 5: Help master the secret of true and lasting success 
-	Book 6: For over 2500 years, this book has remained influential across the world in both military thinking as well as business stratagems, and remains a treasure trove of invaluable wisdom for life in general.
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