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Student's Dictionary

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Pegasus Student's Dictionary: 150,000+ definitions, clear explanations, phonetic simplification. A linguistic guide for diverse word meanings and structures. Free Delivery in 3-5 days

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The Pegasus student's dictionary is a comprehensive reference volume with over 150,000 clear and accurate definitions.
Prefixes, Suffixes and combining forms help the user deduce the meanings of thousands of additional words. 
Words with a common root are grouped together under one headword and derivations given are arranged alphabetically. Direct derivatives are given after the headword is defined, followed by any compounds. 
Many words have more than one definition. The original meaning is given first and labels relating to grammatical form and classification are featured. 
Archaic and onsolete words found in works of literature are included, as are colloquial expressions, together with literary vocabulary and technical words and meanings.
The re-spelling approach has been chosen regarding pronunciation, indicated phonemically, being simpler than interpreting the phonetic symbols of the international phonetic alphabet.
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In case of a return, the refund will be processed only after the receipt and validation of the returned original product. Your funds can be refunded to source within 7 to 14 days from approval of return request.
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