BrainGymJr - Daily
          Brain Exercises for Children
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BrainGymJr - Daily Brain Exercises for Children


₹ 1349₹ 1499 Buy using 7500 coins

Blix Electromagnetix is a robotic toy for children between the age 8 to 15. The Blix Electromagnetix kit helps child to build 30 awesome projects such as Aero boat, String compass, and Magnet Football etc. Delivery in 7-10 Working Days

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This kit comes with all the tools, and parts to build 30 different kits, one at a time. After completing these 30 kits, you can use the parts to create many more models & projects.

The BLIX construction system is designed with great research on the important skills that are not developed organically in the environment today’s children are born in. It provides the child with an incentive to imagine things the way they like it and give them the tools to be able to build it.

Blix Electromagnetix, the newest coolest science kit for young scientists. With Blix Electromagnetix learn about electricity and magnetism using Magnets, LED, Motor, Wires, Buzzer, etc. Build circuits, experiment with real electronic components, play soccer with magnets, build an air powered boat, make your own compass and do a lot more! 30 experiments in 1 set.

-	30 DIY Science Kits
-	Manual
-	Circuits
-	LED Light
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