BrainGymJr - Daily
          Brain Exercises for Children
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BrainGymJr - Daily Brain Exercises for Children


₹ 449₹ 499 Buy using 5000 coins

Great introduction to the world of engineering with this classic metal construction kit. This wonderful multi model set with easy to use manual & assortment of parts has been the favourite of many since years. Delivery in 7-10 Working Days

Quantity   1
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This kit comes with all the tools, and parts to build 5 different models, one at a time. After completing these 5 models, the builder can use the nuts bolts, and other versatile parts to create many more models and projects.

MECHANIX provides the user with tools they need to help them bring an idea to reality. It inculcates curiosity to learn, ability & confidence to build something with real life tools. This is a skill that helps in being able to think out of the box and builds your cognitive skills.
Like you need to put a child in water to teach him to swim, you need to give him the MECHANIX pieces to make them want to connect things. Construction is building up of an idea first in the mind, with the right tools in the hand.
MECHANIX 0 is a great beginner set, which give you enough pieces to be able to create basic objects and structures and introduces young ones into the world of engineering.

-	98 Parts
-	5 Models
-	Screw Driver and Spanner
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