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Primary English Grammar - Class 3

₹ 114₹ 175 Buy using 5000 coins

Unlock language mastery with Pegasus Grammar! Tailored for level-3 learners, it's a self-study guide emphasizing on English structure. | Free Delivery in 3-5 days

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Navigating the vast landscape of the English language, known for its size and flexibility, might seem daunting. However, even with this challenge, a foundational understanding is crucial. Enter Pegasus Primary English Grammar - 3, a stellar guide tailored for level-3 learners. This resource places a strong emphasis on the structural nuances of English.

Designed for self-study, the book incorporates engaging self-assessment exercises and review tests. These elements ensure a robust comprehension of the covered concepts. Dive into this series and immerse yourself in the intricacies of English.
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